The Knights Templar: Summary

Knights Templar


It all started in the 12th century. The order began as an unofficial Catholic order.

Some time later it was accepted by the pope. The work of the order was (at the beginning) to guard and protect the churches, later it was accepted by the Pope, Pope Boniface VIII.


The order was so named because they were good horse riders and their first possession was a temple.

The Muslims lost Jerusalem in 1099 AD. in the first crusade (the crusades were of the order) and the Knights Templar became the religious army and the most powerful bank of the time (Bank because they acted almost as a modern international bank does).

In Jerusalem it was founded by the first fort. 

Then the organization had laws and the order had to be formed by "believers in God, poor, without family (children and wife), they are not ambitious, they do not have large-scale visions, without power and have no luxuries."

But when the order grew it broke laws and they stopped being poor, without powers and not having luxuries, Etc. they started to be almost rich, with more power than many kings and princes, they had many luxuries; as VIP access to everywhere, to be able to cross borders without restrictions and not even pay taxes, Etc.

At that time the king of France was King Philip IV, this king believed that the order was cheating the church and then he tried to convince the Pope, and the Pope and Philip went to catch the members.
of the order and that the order provided protection not only to the Pope but also to Felipe.




The only problem was that the Templars had been trained to endure multiple tortures in case the Muslims captured a knight and that was the main problem, is that they did not speak and the tortures were very long and hard, but in the end the order was dissolved and the grand order died, there were some soldiers who had escaped, but they found them and killed them.


But it is believed that a very small part of the Templars fled, but there is not much evidence; One piece of evidence was found on a Canadian island called Oak Island and it is a golden cross.

Links y enlaces: 

The Knights Templar                                                                           

The Knights Templar Book

The Knights Templar in Canada Documental


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