The Greek Gods

 The Greek Godstre


Good of: sky and lighting 

Objects: a lighting 

History: Zeus, in ancient Greek religion, chief deity of the pantheon, a sky and                       weather god who was identical with the Roman god Jupiter. His name may               be related to that of the sky god Dyaus of the ancient Hindu Rigveda. He                 was called the father of both gods and men.



Good of: Women and marigge

Objects: diadem, scepter accompanied, a peacock and a pomegranate

History: Hera is the wife of Zeus in the Olympian pantheon of classical Greek                       mythology. She was slaughtered the cow and later the peacock. Her                         mother was Rea and her father Cronos.


Good of: Metallurgy and crafts

Objects: an hammer

History: In Greek mythology, Hephaestus is the god of the forge and fire, as well as               of blacksmiths, craftsmen, sculptors, metals and metallurgy.


Good of: sun, light and clarity, music and poetry

Objects: Bow, arrows and a harp

History: Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto. He was the twin brother of the goddess Artemis. He was the god of the Sun, logic, and reason, and he was also a great musician and healer.


Good of: love and beauty

Objects: None 

History: estaba casada con Hefesto, tuvo otros amantes, siendo Ares su favorito. Junto a                sus hermanos, ocupaba un lugar en el panteón entre los doce dioses olímpicos.

Poseidon🔱 (💖 favorite)

Good of: earthquake, wather and horse

Objects: trident

History: He was the god of the sea, he was also known as Earth Shaker, because                 he caused earthquakes. Poseidon had many children and was protector of               many Hellenic cities. He was dedicated a Homeric hymn to him.


Good of: wear 


History: He was the son of Zeus and Hera, he was the god of war. He was one of                 the 12 gods of Olympus and, unlike the gifted and intelligent Athena, who                 also ran the affairs of war, he was a god without manners, violent and                       aggressive, without any positive aspect for humanity.


Good of: wisdom, science, strategy and tissue

Objects: spear and an owl

History: she was the prodigal daughter of Metis, incarnation of prudence, and                       Zeus, universal maker. Greek mythology experts consider her                                   extraordinary birth to be a metaphor for meteorological phenomena such                 as clouds, lightning and thunder or storms.


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And now, comment in the comments what's your favorite god, mine is Poseidon.
