The Roks Cycle

In the word are so many tipes of roks; like are in the second picture:↘
They are mede of minerals; from 1 to ♾ (ok, yost the limit of minerals existens no ∞). In general they are profused like in the first pictture ⬆.

Igneous roks:

Extrusive, or volcanic, igneous rocks are formed when molten hot material cools and solidifies. ... Each of these rocks are formed by physical changes—such as melting, cooling, eroding, compacting, or deforming—that are part of the rock cycle.

Metamorphic roks:

When a rock is exposed to extreme heat and pressure within the Earth but does not melt, the rock becomes metamorphosed. Metamorphism may change the mineral composition and the texture of the rock. For that reason, a metamorphic rock may have a new mineral composition and / or texture.

Sedimentary roks: 

Sedimentary rocks are the product of weathering of preexisting rocks, transport of the weathering products, deposition of the material, followed by compaction, and cementation of the sediment to form a rock. The latter two steps are called lithification.
