Islam: Origin and history of the Muslim faith, Description of the Quran and Holy Places of Islam and why they are holy sites:

Origin and history of the Muslim faith

  At the beginning of the 7th century a man named Muhammad or Hamad received several prayers from "god".

His full name in Arabic is Abū l-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn 'Abd Allāh ibn' Abd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāšim al-Qurayšī (ابو القاسم محمد ابن عبد الله ابن عبد المطلب ابن هام preach the mission to الرق ابش) , to humanity.


In Medima Muhammad continued to preach and was gaining many followers, he created a community of faithful called "Huma", it was based on fraternity, equality, mutual aid and solidarity.

After 10 years Muhammad exercised religious, political and military control over a new and dynamic community.


Later Muhammad's troops conquered many parts of Southwest Asia and a little of Africa.


The "Caliphs" were the successors to the power of Islam, and they conquered:

ڽ Sino

ڽ Transoxiana

ڽ Iran

ڽ Mesopotamia

ڽ Egypt

ڽ Magrem

ڽ Iraq

ڽ The Araibica peninsula

ڽ Iberian Peninsula


Years later this great empire was divided into 4 independent kingdoms.

The most important is the red


In the year 1500 the Muslims already controlled everything that is in green.


In the next 200 years Muslims face crises and wars against Catholics, here is a video about the Knights Templar that does not have much to do but that almost killed the Muslims:


In this religion you must pray 5 times a day. It takes place in a mosque. And it is assumed that in that cube is the house of God.

Find all this information in this video:

The 5 pillars of the Muslim faith

  1. The profession of faith
  2. The sentence
  3. The charity
  4. Fasting during Ramadan
  5. The pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime. 

Descripcion of the Corán 

It is known as the Koran to the Holy Scripture of Islam that shows the true way of salvation.

According to Islamic doctrines, the Koran contains the revelations that God made to the prophet Muhammad, also known as Muhammad, through the angel Gabriel.

 Lugares sagrados del islam y porque son sitios sagrados:


Jerusalem is considered a holy site in Islamic tradition, along with Mecca and Medina.

Islamic tradition holds that previous prophets were associated with the city and that the Islamic prophet Muhammad visited the city on a night trip.


This is the second holiest city in Islam, as well as being the place where the Islamic prophet Muhammad is buried and being of importance because this man went there along with his followers making his migration.


Muhammad's hometown, it is the most important of all the holy cities of Islam, visited each year by millions of pilgrims.

For Muslims, the pilgrimage to Mecca is part of one of the fundamental aspects of their faith, the so-called pillars of Islam.


A mosque is a place of worship for followers of the Islamic faith. Muslims generally refer to mosques by their Arabic name (masŷid).

The main purpose of the mosque is to serve as a place where Muslims can gather to pray.
