The 7 wonders of the ancient world

The Great Pyramid of  Guiza 

Ubication:  Egypt 

Errand by:  Pharaoh; Keops

Date finished:  2570 b.C. 

Reason of construction:  for his tomb.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Ubication:  Irak

Errand by:  Nabucodonosor II

Date finished:  C.VI b.C.

Reason of construction:  For his wife. (It's not comprovated the                               existence of this bulding).

Statue of Zeuz

Ubication:  Greece

Errand by:  Fidias

Date finished:  430 b.C.

Reason of construction:  Religion motives.

Temple of Artemis berning

Ubication:  Turkey

Errand by:  Not found

Date finished:  560 b.C. 

Reason of construction:  Religion motives. Burned by Erostrato in                             356 b.C. Repaired in the 323 b.C.

Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

Ubication:  Turkey

Errand by:  King: Mausolo

Date finished:  350

Reason of construction:  Tumb for the king: Mausolo.

Colossus of Rhodes

Ubication:  Greece

Errand by:  Cares of Lindos

Date finished:  226 a.C.

Reason of construction:  For religions motives.

Lighthouse of Alejandria

Ubication:  Egipt

Errand by:   Not found

Date finished:  274 a.C.

Reason of construction:  For be lighthouse 

Coment whats your favorite wonder, mine is The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
